Silent Discos Are “Dumb”?
In recent days we have been bombarded with questions about a report that was out there talking about whether Silent Discos and the activities that come with them are “DUMB”
This all arose after a post on a student pastor Facebook group went viral last week. One student pastor in particular (who is a cool dude) created a post claiming that Silent Discos were ”Dumb”. This unleashed a flurry of responses to that original thread.
However, before we get to those responses, let us remind you what a silent disco is and why student pastors would even care. A silent disco is an event that utilizes wireless headphones and transmitters to send music directly to the ears of a large group of people. That group receives top-notch sound delivered to their ears for a unique and fully immersive listening experience. Churches use this all the time for camps, DNOWs, Conferences, Retreats, and more. They help break the ice and bring people together through the sounds of music. They are also used for silent worship services, outdoor movies, bible trivia, and dedicated prayer services. Thus they are not new to the student ministry scene.
After the original post was published the replies started flooding in and student pastors took to their keyboards to respond. Check out their responses below
““au contraire mon frère”
I’ve done a number of silent discos and I’ve helped some youth pastor friends run theirs. I’m in the south east and our students LOVE it. And I think it can be a lot of fun.”
“Every silent disco we’ve done has slapped.
We have three people that we have DJ every time. We take our lobby and transform it with lighting and a portable stage for the DJ’s to be one. Goes hard every time.”
“You must not do silent disco right then my dude. Ya sure you can have it over the PA system like a cotton headedninny muggins with one track only, but when you can have 4 very distinct channels of very different music genres and then watch all of the head sets change from one color to another when a certain song comes on... then well, you have not done it right.”
“I’ve been seeing this idea floated around a lot lately that silent disco is washed. I feel the opposite. Our students and leaders constantly beg for us to do silent disco again. Just because it’s unoriginal doesn’t mean it’s not awesome”
In Conclusion, we stand with the majority of student pastors that Silent Discos are indeed AWESOME! Also, we believe that Ear Jams is the best place to rent your silent disco headphones for your church or youth group.
We love student pastors and student leaders! We believe the work they do is vital! We support them in all they do and work hard to leverage our business to make their church events as awesome as possible.